Friday, June 29, 2007

Ava - 8 months

8 months already! Ava is doing all kinds of new stuff and amuses us all the time with her new discoveries. She is still a social butterfly and likes nothing better than to visit with people, especially when they are her size! The biggest milestone this month was learning to crawl. She has not only learned to crawl, she's figured out how to pull herself up on the coffee table and thinks it's hilarous! The moms are scrambling to childproof the house. We'll post pics of crawling soon- meanwhile, here are some recent shots.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ava Swims

We had a wonderful time in Florida. Ava loved spending time with her Aunt Lisa and Uncle Philip. And she loved, loved, loved the pool! We absolutely have a little fish on our hands!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Ava - 7 Months

Ava is a whirlwind of activity at 7 months! She is sitting up all by herself now and loves to sit and play with her toys. She's got quite a collection at this point and her favorites are the ones that play music. She is also a book lover, in that she loves to eat them! Not so much on the reading yet. Along with books, her favorite things to eat are spinach, pears and bananas. We are getting ready to take a trip to Florida to visit with Aunt Lisa and Uncle Philip. Stay tuned for pics of Ava's first beach and pool experience!